Professional and Biographical Information


Ph.D., Yale University
M.A., Yale University
B.A., 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播



Crafting Mexico: Intellectuals, Artisans, and the State after the Revolution (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, September 2010)

Moviendo Monta帽as: Transformando la Geograf铆a del Poder en el Sur de M茅xico, co-edited with Beatriz Canabal, Aline Hemond, et al (Chilpancingo, Guerrero: Colegio de Guerrero, 2003).

Manuscripts in progress

Science and Indigeneity in the Construction of Mexican Nature, 1570-1914 (monograph in progress, expected completion 2024).

A Territory Cleaved: Nation, Nature, and Ethnicity on the U.S-Mexican Frontier (monograph in progress).

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

鈥淐reating a Place for Latinidad at an Elite Liberal Arts College: Latinx Student Activism at 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播, 1970s through the 1980s (and today),鈥 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播in the World (Amherst, MA: 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 Press, 2020).

鈥淥linal谩 y la indigenizaci贸n trasnacional de la cultura nacional mexicana,鈥 Naci贸n e Alteridad: Mestizos, ind铆genas y extranjeros en el proceso de formaci贸n nacional, edited by Daniela Gleizer and Paula L贸pez Caballero (Mexico, DF: Universidad Aut贸noma Metropolitana, 2015).

鈥淎nita Brenner, Jewish Roots, and the Transnational Creation of a National Identity,鈥 in Open Borders to a Revolution: Culture, Politics and Migration, edited by Jaime Marroqu铆n Arredondo, Adela Pineda Franco and Magdalena Mieri (Washington DC: Smithsonian, 2013).

 鈥淣ature as Subject and Citizen: The Royal Botanical Expedition to New Spain (1787-1803)鈥 in A Land Between Waters: Environmental Histories of Modern Mexico, edited by Chris Boyer (University of Arizona Press, 2012)

鈥淭he Noche Mexicana and the Exposition of Popular Art: Two Ways of Exalting Indianness,鈥欌 in The Eagle and the Virgin: National Identity, Memory and Utopia in Mexico, 1920-1940, edited by Mary Kay Vaughan and Stephen Lewis (Durham: Duke University Press, 2006).

鈥淔orging a Mexican National Identity in Chicago: Mexican Migrants and Hull-House, 1920-1937,鈥 Pots of Promise: Mexicans, Reformers, and the Hull-House Kilns, Chicago, 1920-1940, edited by Cheryl R. Ganz and Margaret Strobel (Chicago: University of Illinois-Chicago Press, 2004).

鈥淰isiones cartogr谩ficas de un Guerrero Bronco, 1791-1940,鈥 in Moviendo Monta帽as: Transformando la Geograf铆a del Poder en el Sur de M茅xico (Chilpancingo, Guerrero: Colegio de Guerrero, 2003).

鈥淭he India Bonita Contest of 1921 and the Ethnicization of Mexican National Culture,鈥 Hispanic American Historical Review 82(2) (May 2002): 291-328.

鈥淭he Morrows in Mexico: Nationalist Politics, Foreign Patronage, and the Valorization of Mexican Popular Aesthetics,鈥 in Casa Ma帽ana: The Morrow Collection of Mexican Popular Arts, ed. Susan Danly (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2002).

Review Essay

Review essay of Mary Coffey, How a Revolutionary Art Became Official Culture: Murals, Museums, and the Mexican State (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2012); Shelly Garrigan, Collecting Mexico: Museums, Monuments, and the Creation of National Identity (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012); and Adriana Zavala, Becoming Modern, Becoming Tradition: Women, Gender, and Representation in Mexican Art (University Park: Penn State University Press, 2012), The Art Bulletin (96)(1) (March 2014): 128-131.

Other Scholarly Articles

鈥淏otanical Illustration in Europe and the New World: Science, Visuality, and Plants in the Construction of Mexican Indigeneity,鈥 Massachusetts Center for Renaissance Studies Newsletter (2015).

Entries on two art objects for the Mead Art Museum catalog.





See also: Research Interests, Teaching Interests , and Awards and Honors