Amherst is a place where learning includes living. We guarantee housing for all students for all four years. Almost all of our students live on campus. And all first-year students live in dormitories on our first-year quad, right in the heart of campus. Our students eat great meals with great friends in Valentine Dining Hall, which offers delicious dietary options, with food sourced from local farms, including our own Book & Plow Farm.

Two stone residence Halls against an autumn backdrop

Residence Halls

澳门六合彩开奖现场直播has 34 residence halls. Seven of these buildings are for first-year students. Housing for sophomores, juniors, and seniors is available in a variety of configurations, including suites, doubles, singles, and theme housing. Find detailed information about Housing at Amherst.

Four women dressed in Indian clothing at a party

Theme Houses

Some sophomores, juniors and seniors choose to live in theme houses, which allow students who share an interest to be together on the same floor or residence hall. There are currently 10 theme houses on campus.

A group of people in the Valentine Dining Hall

Dining at Amherst

Our dining locations are bright, cheerful spaces where you can settle in for real conversations. Our food is real too. We use fresh, local ingredients, much of which we grow on our own farm and in our hydroponic greenhouse. Learn more about dining at Amherst.

A group of four people holding food in front of a wall of flags

Office of Residential Life

Our staff includes deans, area coordinators and 62 student resident counselors, all of whom are dedicated to creating a rewarding and valuable residential experience. Learn more about Residential Life.

Studying outside the new Greenway dorms

Gathering Spaces

The college鈥檚 four new residence halls are 鈥...the first of three projects that will be the biggest transformation of physical campus since the founding of the College.鈥 鈥擯resident Biddy Martin