°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡Ö±²¥Student Government

We, the students of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡Ö±²¥, acknowledge our responsibilities to ourselves as individuals, to the community, and to each other, and shall pursue the ideals of all without denying the ideals of one. We shall establish a community in which each individual is accepted and in which each individual participates. Promoting the free interaction and exchange of ideas, we declare our commitment to articulating student voices for advancing action and change. We shall use our collective voice to take an active role in affecting the College’s policies and priorities. In affirmation of these principles and to ensure fair representation for all Students we hereby establish the Association of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡Ö±²¥Students.


The Association of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡Ö±²¥Students, in order to fulfill our mission of representing student voices for action and change, adopts the following core values:

  1. Honestyintegrity, and transparency, to facilitate trust, good faith, and good advocacy;
  2. Respect for all members of our community, to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard, that everyone feels welcome, and that our actions promote and protect everyone’s needs;
  3. Excellence, in ourselves and our partners, to never do or accept less than students deserve;
  4. Accountability, to always own up to our mistakes and to never accept apologies without change;
  5. Learning, to recognize our place at an education institution where we must grow both in and out of the classroom;
  6. Action, to point us towards concrete change rather than words alone;
  7. Health and happiness, especially mental health, to ensure that all students can live meaningful and good lives; and
  8. Humanity, to prioritize people over policy and to remember our mission to enact progressive change.

These values guide our work for students with the administration and in the broader world. We pledge to follow them, and we ask to be held accountable if we falter.

Who We Are & What We Do

[The AAS represents the student body. It makes recommendations to the administration based on student input, supports student programming and puts on campus wide events. AAS members also act as a bridge between students and College administration.

Our Structure

AAS consists of three branches—legislative, judicial, and executive, as laid out in the AAS Constitution. A President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Judiciary Council Chair serve as the Executive Branch. A 33-member Student Senate makes up the Legislative Branch, comprised of 8-senators from each class and a transfer student representative. Finally, the judicial branch is comprised of the Judiciary Council, headed by the Judiciary Council Chair.

Executive Board

President: Lori Alarcon '24
Vice President: Shane Dillon '26
Treasurer: Min Ji Kim '25
Secretary: Hedley Lawrence-Apfelbaum '25
JC Chair: Jaimie Han '26



Judiciary Council

Chair: Jaimie Han ’26

Samuel Etienne '26
Valerie Rosario '26
Joline Fong '26
Johnny Beskid '26

2024 Senators

Taha Ahmad
Stephanie Choi
Jeffrey Ma
Eugena Chang
Francisco Reyes
Ankit Sayed
Phillip Zhou
Jackson Lee

2025 Senators

Hannah Kim
Henry Pallesen
Isabella Malmqvist
Jesus Ramirez-Tapia
Zane Khiry
Zakaria Shenwari
Laith Bahlouli
Muntaha Mamun

2026 Senators

Ayres Warren
Nathan Lee
Phuong Doan
Chloe Yim
Martha Odhiambo
Clair Beougher
Tom Nash
Thomas O'Connor

2027 Senators

Sebastian Pollock
Angelina Flores
Noah Turbes
GeorgeDaniel Dixon
Rizwan Ayub
Prakhar Agrawal
Jeb Allen

Transfer Student Seat

Erik Arcineiga

A group of students debating in a classroom

Our Focus

The AAS represents the student body and makes recommendations to the administration based on student input. The Senate is charged with distributing the student activities fee to student organizations for campus-wide events.

Johnson Chapel surrounded by green spring trees

Constitution & Bylaws

The AAS Constitution and Bylaws etablish the composition of the AAS governement and declare our commitment to articulating student voices for advancing action and change.

Student Musician Directory

Are you a musician? Would you like to find someone to teach you how to play an instrument? Do you love playing music with other people? Have you found it difficult to find other musicians to play with? 

The °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±ÏÖ³¡Ö±²¥ Student Musician Directory may be the remedy to your woes!

If you are a student musician interested in finding other musicians to play with or learn from, please fill out . Once responses have been received, they will then be uploaded to for every student to use. 

Senator Chris Tun ‘25

Career Exploration Database

The Career Exploration Database provides examples of jobs, internships, research positions, and more:

Instructions for Using the Database

  • To search this database, MAKE A COPY to your google drive.
  • Using the copy saved to your drive, you may edit/use the search box in yellow or use the Command+F function. You can search by student name, major, employer/organization, or field (e.g., law, healthcare). Scroll horizontally to see students’ experiences over time.

Updating the Database

To update information to the Career Exploration Database, please fill out the following form:

Suggestions Box

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions? Let us know and we'll do our best to address them!

Submit them !